In a cozy home filled with books and curiosity, a young boy named Aarush and his father often spent their evenings exploring the wonders of the world. Aarush had always been fascinated by numbers, and his father encouraged this interest, often engaging him in fun mathematical challenges.
One evening, Aarush asked his father why numbers had different names in different parts of the world. His father smiled and suggested they create a chart to compare the Indian and International numbering systems. With excitement, Aarush and his father sat down together, gathering paper, pencils, and their combined knowledge.
They carefully crafted a chart that listed numbers, starting from “One” and increasing to enormous values like “Ten Mahashankh.” They added columns to show the number of zeros and the names of these numbers in both the Indian and International systems. Aarush learned that what was known as “One Lakh” in India was called “Hundred Thousand” elsewhere, and that “One Crore” was equivalent to “Ten Million.”
As they worked, Aarush’s fascination grew. He realized that numbers were more than just tools for counting; they were a way to connect with people across the world, understanding how different cultures approached the same concepts in unique ways. Once their chart was complete, Aarush decided to share it on his website,, so that others could learn from it too.
The chart became a popular resource, helping many people understand the differences between numbering systems. Aarush and his father’s project had not only deepened their bond but also contributed to the knowledge of many others who visited the website.
In the end, Aarush’s curiosity, combined with his father’s guidance, turned a simple question into a meaningful learning experience, showing the power of collaboration and the endless possibilities that numbers can reveal.
The chart was unlike anything Aarush had seen before. It showed how the same numbers were called different names depending on where you were in the world. In India, numbers like “Lakh” and “Crore” were as familiar as counting on one’s fingers. However, in other parts of the world, these numbers were known as “Hundred Thousand” and “Ten Million.”
Aarush was especially amazed by the large numbers that he had never heard of before, like “One Padma” and “One Shankh.” These numbers were so big that he could barely comprehend their magnitude. The chart became his treasure, and he decided to share it with everyone in his village to help them understand the world of numbers better.

With his newfound knowledge, Aarush dreamed of creating a place where everyone could learn about numbers and how they shaped the world. He created a website named, where he shared fascinating facts about numbers and their importance in everyday life. His website became a beacon of knowledge, helping people from all over the world to understand the beauty and power of numbers.
And so, Aarush’s love for numbers not only enriched his life but also inspired many others to explore the wonders of mathematics.